time cannot pinpoint
the day my colors changed.
perhaps the gradual dimming
of their intensity and vividness
barred me from any certain recognition.
the colors are now distorted and tainted
from exposure to my world.
yellow no longer burns bright
as the sun boldly hides his face.
the well-versed nursery rhyme
holds no promise of wishes,
and the stars no longer twinkle.
the unspoken desires of a broken heart
have been ignored and discarded.
blue is now the dictator of my despairing moods,
it's color a bland hue void of any beauty
it may have once flaunted.
the once azure sky, is persistently veiled
in ominous black clouds
ready to break at the slightest provocation.
red can no longer take claim as the favorite
for it now speaks of raging anger,
of imminent death,
of a never ending flow of blood
in this battle i fight alone.
my dirtied white flag thrashes
in the wind unrecognized
as the war rages on.
purple is no longer royal
and orange is just another shade of red.
i oscillate between the extremes;
my black is too black,
and my white is pallid and colorless.
someone please color my world
so i can continue my search
for the fairy tale pot of gold
somewhere over the rainbow,
near the land of insanity.
dina marie
april 2006
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