There are certain people in my life that are my rocks during my hard times. My dad is one of those. I was thinking about him the other day and realized that I don't remember him ever getting angry. He has a steadiness about him that I envy. He just has a natural peace and confidence that calms me in my anxiety episodes. Just talking to him helps me. I wish that my innate personality and wellness was more like his. I am thankful to have him has my dad.

These are a few motto's that he wants his posterity to remember:
"The next life is better." (He reminds me of this every time life is hard.)
"Stay on the right road, going the right way, and every thing will be okay."
"You can't stand still. You are either moving forward or backward."
"God loves you unconditionally. If you don't feel it, you are the one who needs to change."
I am thankful that I have such a wise and righteous father. I love you dad.
dad's are grrrrreat