Wednesday, June 30, 2010


 An idiot's answer to the question, "To Stay or Not to Stay with a Bipolar Spouse."

"I am not a professional psychologist, and unless you are, I would highly suggest getting one on staff in your home if you are thinking of staying with a bipolar person.  They are waaaaaaaay too much to handle for the "normal" people.
I tried going to a group meeting for spouses and family of Bipolars and they are sad people living sad lives watching their Bipolar family members do destructive and hateful things, and yet they feel that they can't get out of it. 
Well I can!  We don't have any kids, and I am not going to waste another minute of my life trying to help someone that cannot or will not be helped!"

Thankfully I am married to a man who is as far from being an idiot as possible.  Sometimes I have no patience for people like this.  Actually, I never have patience for people like this.


  1. I don't know about you but I feel bad for the guy... he thinks he's normal! He has to have something wrong with him to feel this way... like maybe abused as a child?

    Hopefully his ex-wife knows he's an "idiot"



  2. Dina..this person is an idiot, and you have heard me say..many times, "We are surrounded by idiots." I wish everyone were as "normal" as you and I...Haha.
    I love you as the love of my life and the woman of my dreams.
