New Year, New Outlook
"If winter has you down in the dumps, take a look at the cover story in our new Winter issue. It might cheer you up to know that good qualities seem to go along with having bipolar disorder.
Research done by Nassir Ghaemi, MD, a psychiatrist at Tufts Medical Center in Boston (and a member of our advisory board), and others has found that people who have bipolar disorder also tend to have “certain specific psychological characteristics … that are generally viewed as valuable and beneficial morally or socially.” Namely: spirituality, empathy, creativity, realism, and resilience.

It may be that the genetic and neurological arrangements that give rise to bipolar are also responsible for those beneficial traits. It may be that living with a chronic illness such as bipolar strengthens certain qualities like empathy and resilience.
Whatever the case, having some pluses to set against the difficulties and demands that bipolar brings us provides a helpful new perspective. As Sara L. puts it in “Accentuate the Positives”: “It’s a belief about having bipolar disorder that really can make or break our ability to live well.” So think positive!"
Research done by Nassir Ghaemi, MD, a psychiatrist at Tufts Medical Center in Boston (and a member of our advisory board), and others has found that people who have bipolar disorder also tend to have “certain specific psychological characteristics … that are generally viewed as valuable and beneficial morally or socially.” Namely: spirituality, empathy, creativity, realism, and resilience.
It may be that the genetic and neurological arrangements that give rise to bipolar are also responsible for those beneficial traits. It may be that living with a chronic illness such as bipolar strengthens certain qualities like empathy and resilience.
Whatever the case, having some pluses to set against the difficulties and demands that bipolar brings us provides a helpful new perspective. As Sara L. puts it in “Accentuate the Positives”: “It’s a belief about having bipolar disorder that really can make or break our ability to live well.” So think positive!"
It is nice to know that there is some good that comes along with such a difficult illness. :)
I survived the holidays again this year. We didn't get Bree and her family with us so I had a bit of a hard time getting into the spirit of Christmas. I get to look forward to having them here next year. I have been happy to see that I have been able to handle some major stressful events in my life this past year without breaking down. We have made so much progress in understanding how to head off the signs of me heading downhill. Brent has been a rock. I depend on his support to keep me balanced and it has made all the difference. I am so thankful to be in a good place. I have not been this well since my diagnosis, and actually a couple of years before that when I didn't understand what was happening to me. I don't think I am naive to the fact that things could change in the future, but I do know that we will be better equipped to deal with the situation. I have gratitude in my heart for my wellness. These are a few pictures from the month of December.
Christmas Eve jammies from Grandma Dede. :)
Brent and I Christmas Day
Dustin, Bailey and I
The highlight of the month for Bailey-
meeting David Archuleta and going to his concert!
The night of the concert.
I actually really enjoyed it.
Brent won first place at two different parties
with two different sweaters. :)
The annual Mall Game that we host every year
Just for fun. :)
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