Sunday, January 31, 2010


This is an image that I found when I googled bipolar.
It is accurate in the depiction of the hurt and pain that is experienced.
Even though I am okay today, 
when I see this image my pain comes to the surface,
and I remember...vividly.
Life is so unsure in my world.  Bipolar is only consistent in it's inconsistency.  I get tired of the balancing act; it is never ending.  Words that describe how it affects me:  anger, overwhelmed, sad, guilty, tiresome, frustrated, judged, crazy, lonely, intense, regret, depressed, highs and lows, endless tears, irritable, complete fatigue, impulsiveness, racing thoughts, insomnia, impatience, misunderstood, and a pain beyond any description I can give.  If you haven't lived it, you can't understand it. But a big thank you to those in my life who do try to understand the very best they can.  We enjoy the good days and just try to make it through the bad.  In spite of it all, I feel very blessed to have made it this far.  It would have been easy to quit many times.
I have used this image before and here it is again.  For some reason it just speaks to me.  Tears have ruled my life for too many years to count.  Last night I started a new book on mental illnesses and the unfairness of it all just hit full force and I couldn't stop crying.  I think that I can speak for all those who carry these burdens in saying,
(and I don't even use that word.)

Kudos to all those who suffer with it,
and kudos to those who suffer alongside of them 
with love and patience.
I love you Brent.

1 comment:

  1. Dina, You conyinue to amaze me with your wisdom and insight into this illness. I have learned so much about inner strength, endurance, and courage from watching you live with this illness. Thank you for forever teaching me as we go.
    I love you more!
